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My studio is on the first floor and it is facing the garage door as well as the whole “boulevard” that is in front of my building. I like its location very much. It allows me to have a direct view to everything that is happening in front of the building. People have a rear […]

I work with people who are at least 10 years older and they all have kids. Some of their kids are 10 years younger than me. It is very funny to hear these mothers in their 50’s complaining about their loved “monsters”: 1. A 19 years old boy, who barely made it at school, is […]

I had a strange dream! I tried to run up Mt-Cootha from my apartment in St Lucia, Brisbane, but I forgot the route to get there. I ran up this little hill everyday during 1 full year in Australia. It bothered me so much that I had to find my old address in Australia and […]


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My brother and my parents signed an agreement to buy this 3-rooms apartment, 200 k. I think it is good for all the following reasons: 1. No more loss in rent: 800 *12 = 9 600 Euros / year 2. Age limit for my brother. 3. The only deal that requires a permanent contract: CDI […]

Still one of the best game:

I always wondered where to get publicly available information about mortage rates and I found the information quite easily: LINK

I just want to show my brother how much it costs him to get professional help instead of talking to banks directly for FREE. Indeed, 2 banks immediately accepted my proposal to align themselves to the current lowest rate 2.7%. They always propose by default a higher rate. Taux  (%)               2.7            2.8            2.9            3 […]

sAd eNd!

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I called this banking counselor, George, 2 years ago for my own mortgage and called him again yesterday for my brother’s mortgage. George sounds like a good father giving kids some wise advices over the phone. At the end of the call, I told him that he must be enjoying life now since I remember […]

Finally I am playing 4K images on my Thomson 4K, one word to describe the feeling: WoA! Perfection! Soo many details of a single droplet of ink, fireflies or flowers on my home TV screen, the texture, the colors, the motion! You do not want to go back to normal resolution after having witnessed 4K […]

I was looking for 4K movies, ads or anything that can be played on my Thomson TV 4K at its highest definition. I only have access to 4K samples on Youtube but these are compressed files. I need the raw 4K file to play it on my TV: Link to 4K galeries: Link

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