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There are few couples in the building that got my attention: 1. The “Tomboy” couple: I already mentioned about this strange giant dude and his skinny tomboy wife: Tomboy hair style and no breast! Sadly, their daughter looks very much like her mom. 2. The “young couple”: a tall pretty black girl and her BF. […]


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I am thinking about getting a printer. I never thought about getting one since I have a very nice professional printer at work. They aren’t that expensive but the ink is quite pricey! A girl who lives with her BF stopped by to ask for help the other day with printing. This young couple belongs […]


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Not bad and quite intriguing plot: Edge of Tomorrow 2014 1080p WEB-DL x264 AAC-lwn


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Most people around my building try to get a free parking lot instead of paying for it. It makes a parking spot quite precious around the building. I can almost classify the financial situation of my neighbors according to their parking situation: 1. People with a car and a parking lot (the richest) 2. People […]

It’s cleaning time at my office therefore I could pick up some old stuffs to give away. I will give to the young “Roms” couple who comes every Sunday checking our trash bins: an old scanner, a Wii Mini and even an old camera, some 3G hotspot, tons of electronic connectors. Maybe they can sell […]

Three times this week, crazy drivers almost got me into a car accident: a careless woman, an old man and a stupid dude with his phone. I might end up getting a real car accident soon with these crazy drivers in Paris.


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I checked regularly on the Web for a good 4G internet deal: cheap and unlimited. I found out that the 4G+ will soon be available with Bouygues for the same price and it is twice as fast! GREAT! The internet speed at my home is not as nice as I would like it to be, […]

sTrange PEoPle!

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I had the “Caïd” family and the “Adams” family. I also have the “Black”, the “Inseparables” and the “Hunchback” The “Black” is a black dude. He is wearing a black leather jacket, a black hat, black glasses and he is circling around the building regularly as if he has some business going on. I do […]


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I noticed 3 TV boxes since I bought mine and exposed it on my wall. It was after the famous “sales” period in France so I wonder if it was because they saw my TV and wanted to get one as well. I also noticed few boxes of computers. It might be too much to […]

At the age of 38 my little list: 1. A diploma 2. A job 3. A studio 4. A car 5. Few electronic gadgets 6. Tons of high quality pictures 7. Some 6K Euros of cash in the bank! More importantly, a lot of time to play games and to buy cool electronic gadgets whenever […]

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