My little studio is spick and span (meaning spotless). I had a bit of fever overnight however I slept very well and I felt much better this morning. I had the urge of cleaning every corner of my studio. The body and the mind felt much better after that kind of activity. I threw away […]

Geez I thought the singer was black and all.. but white white white and I have been looking for the lyric for 3 days! Budabest by George Ezra and Am I wrong by Nico & Vinz

When I was jobless with no studio and car, I did not have bills to pay every month. Now that I have almost everything, here is the total cost each month without even doing anything: 1264 Euros Mortage: 789 Euros Car Insurance: 75 Euros Income Tax: 353 Euros Electricity and Gas: 85 Euros Internet + […]


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I had to pay 2 kind of taxes in 2014: Income tax: 2977 Housing tax: 677 Total: 3654 Euros I am quite happy paying my share of taxes. I also decided to pay both every month. It does hurt less the pocket this way.

That is where I run or bike everyday. The sun was out and I felt like taking some pictures: LINK Not as pretty as Scotland or Ireland yet but a start:

Finallly they updated the street view of my boulevard with my building fully finished. I live in the building near a gigantic water tower. The important thing about that tower is that it holds one of the nicest antenna for 4G from Bouguyes :). As you can see my place (marked red square) has a […]

So here is my first catch using my surveillance system: LINK

Some poor dudes stole 4 wheels of a car at work, here is the picture of what is left:

I just shot myself with a dose of the seasonal flu vaccine. It has just arrived. I like being a bit scared of the needle but I did it. My left arm feels a bit numb; Last year, I did not feel anything besides the pain from the needle. This year, I did it very […]

I do enjoy to the surveillance system. I can see people looking at my screens without turning my head. I guess someday it could be useful when the building will get robbed. It happened last year in my previous building and it will happen again in my building. Besides, I want to record the little […]

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