There comes my last week of November of vacation. This time, there is no more medical checkups or car repairs. It will be all about Warlords of Draenor, WoW new expansion.

I am thinking about buying the same studio but elsewhere: same price but better location and maybe better neighbors. My current neighbors are too poor and their struggle with life do not leave them time to think about anything else. I like some of my neighbors but I think that some of them are potentially […]

At 9 am, I dropped my car at the repair shop then I took the bus back to go to see the doctor at 10 am. I was 10 min late and I had to run. The medical center was not as close as I thought it would be. At least, I know that I […]

It seems that my foot is “hollow” meaning that it’s curved more than normal unlike flatfoot. The doctor recommended special personalized soles to help realease the pressure put on the foot. He did not see anything special and gave me some vitamin D pills since I need some.

All seem almost normal besides 3 minor things, I will go to see the doctor for the analysis. Nothing looks bad to me. I did notice the presence of an HIV test in the general blood testing.

mY fOot!

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3 weeks ago, I used my left foot to stop my bike from colliding with a couple. I should maybe have let that happen :). Anywas, since then, I felt a bit of pain and discomfort when I walk. So I asked to make a radiography of the bone and see if something was broken. […]

2 eUros!

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That is the price I will pay during a year for my internet connection AND for my mobile phone (2H + Mo 50 data). All people in my building will pay at least 8 times more for the same deal or something worse. When people ask for help, they just want a quick fix and do […]


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I am only the next 15 millions + 1 but better late than never: Superheroes by the Sript

The doctor gave me a lotion to apply to my left foot to stop the foot inflamation locally but he also gave me a strong painkiller that would stop my discomfort. It was a very smart move because it annoyed me to think about it the last 3 weeks. Now that the pain is gone, […]

I am taking advantage of this week off to take care of all my medical checkups: 1. Monday: Dentist: regular cleaning + fixing some tiny holes Doctor: General examination + Left foot analysis + Eye’s zit + Hepatitis exams. 2. Wednesday A radiography of the left foot + blood tests 3. Thursday: Car checkup 🙂 […]

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