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Looks like the workers won’t finish their current job connecting my building to the street internet/phone lane yet. An annoying electrical cable is also hanging really low in front of the entrance of my parking for 4 days now. On the other side, I am paying about the same amount of money for internet in […]

On Saturday, I went to Paris and ate a sandwich with Aurore  at the the garden called, “Les Tuileries” outside of “Le Louvre”. Aurore is a friend from school since I was 13. It gave me a chance to see the nice pyramids in “Le  carrousel du Louvre”. We walked to the Eiffel tower. It […]

bURnt car!

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Yesterday, I saw a car burning on the side of the highway when I rode my bike to the park. The fog was dark and extremely noxious. I stopped and checked the event for few minutes. It was horrible and many cars were stuck in the exit lane.


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The idea of running out of data on prepaid 4G SIM cards is scary. I am using internet so fast that 6 Gb can be used in less than 30 min. I was afraid of running out of data and not being able to recharge right away this weekend. Indeed, you cannot buy again 6 […]

Today I went to renew my passport. I thought it would be one of these ordinary and boring administrative stuff but it turned out to be quite enjoyable. Before the meeting, I was upset about my ID photos, they were ugly and I spent the afternoon messing around with a nice picture. Anyways, I was […]


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I finally see people digging  next to my building; They finally came to extend the phone/internet lanes to our new building. Since it is a long week with Thursday as public holiday I doubt it will be finished this week. Probably next week. I do not mind my 4G connection but it is a bit […]

Our entire family meets once a year during Xmas holidays and that’s about it. I personally think that it is a blessing for all of us that everyone is healthy and happy doing whatever they are doing. Should I meet them more and why? Everyone seems a bit sad about the fact that we do […]

Another 4 days long weekend is coming and it is awesome. I will just relax. I practiced a lot of exercises with the Xbox (Kinect) and I also went to the park with my bike. No internet yet and it is expensive to rely on 4G deals: 30 euros for 6Gb data download.

4 days-off, long nice weekend at home: playing WoW, D3, watching movies, doing exercises and relaxing. I am running into some problems with my prepaid 4G. Indeed, since my free trial ended, I only use expensive prepaid cards and they have annoying restrictions. I hope I will get internet at the end of next week.


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“Wasting my young years” by London Grammar

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