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Adeline is born today at 13:00 (46 cm 2 kg 850) Her Zodiac sign is Cancer then:

mY wILl!

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So before I take the plane to Seoul, South Korea on July 9. I will do 2 things: 1. Write my testimony. 2. Give my body to medical science. I do not want to be used for testing but if someone needs parts of my body for medical reason, I will be happy to help. […]

Free with its “itinerance” contract seems to have a 4G Antenna around. I need to check it tomorrow.

nIcE oNe!

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It is catchy and it is nice to watch, it reminds me of the kid I was! According to Sis’, I am still a kid! I think it is good because the day I stop being a big crazy kid, I would be a sad, old and bitter man! Rather be  crazy kid! Little Talks […]


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Internet: 16 Euros / month (-21) Mobile: 2 Euros / month (-18) Auto Insurance: 75 Euros / month (-28) Total Saving: -67 Euros / month I think I will even save more with internet but I will wait for another month since I just switched.

I always enjoy smoked ham cooked on a grill however it is quite expensive 18 Euros/kg. With a little shy smile, I told the woman in the store that I would like to buy the bone because it was sold half the price in another store and if she can do the same deal that […]

a FeAt!

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I successfully changed the back tire of my bicycle. It had a hole. I thought it would be harder to put everything back but I managed. I am sore from the exercise. It cost me 18.90 Euros!


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I received a bonus for Summer vacation from my job: 583 Euros (after tax). Since I bought the studio, I was careful and I wanted to save enough to be able buy a car and a laptop when the time comes. I almost saved enough to buy both now and it is tempting to buy […]


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On Thursday 12 June 2014, date of my last mental crisis, I unleashed my negative feelings towards the property developer of my building regarding few things that were imperfect: 1. The elevator: not working 2. The garage door: it can be opened manually 3. The front gate: it remains open without a proper rotatory mechanism. […]


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I had a reflection about kids. When I look at the fat kid on my floor and his parents…Geez … All I wanna say is what a waste of lives. They look sad, they look dumb and they look lost in this world. I hope that my sister will have a nice, pretty and charming […]

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