My plane will take off today at 21:00. I can sleep during the flight (11 hours in total). Saturday 12 is a day-off for me so I can visit around and take some pictures. I should be back on Saturday July 19 at 14:25.

Adeline looks very alert and she is getting some warm colors now:

Dunno what to think, I do enjoy the song but not in a regular manner. I like to go back to this song and the video time to time: Saint Claude by Christine and the Queens. 2 Songs from Alisson I like : Classic by MKTO (sounds funny!) Prayer in C by Lilly Wood & […]

Someone in the building threw away a fancy table (looks brand new!). I brought it back to my studio and I love it. I found a perfect table for my TV and other things:

So I met the new member of our family in person and she was sleeping very well! I was a bit surprised by the fact that she is very small. Her skin is so soft. Her nice bed looks really comfy, I would like to buy the same but bigger.


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In case of an accident resulting in my death, my studio 131 000 euros will be entirely paid by my insurances. I guess it is not stupid to think about my will and write down the names of people who will share these 131 000 euros. In the absence of a written will, the law […]

I took back the training I had in Australia. I will check my time and the length. I am far from by best at the moment. My mind can control the pain and the feeling is awesome however I am missing my Australian competitors. They were professional runners. On my way to the park, I […]

Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille Lyric: “These are the things, the things we lost We sat and made a list Of all the things that we had We sat and made a list Of all the things that we had”

One of my post generated too many memories from the past. I did not feel it coming. The road not taken by Robert Frost: “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood”


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List of minor good things that happened last week: 1. Salary increase (6%) 2. Summer bonus (583 Euros). 3. Future bonus for 10 days in Seoul: 1000 Euros + 3 days off. 4. The elevator works. 5. The fire doors do not make noises anymore (really annoying). 6. My new car insurance was effective on […]

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