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I was at the store checking for a 3D movie to buy. They are expensive so I wanted to choose the cheapest 3D bluray of Avatar. There was a man holding his kid’s hands. The kid had a funny fast flow of speech. I did not realize at first and I thought he was talking […]

I made a reasonable choice and it was the Thomson that was chosen. It was the cheapest 4K 3D TV: 899 Euros. I am extremely impressed and happy with this upgrade. It did gave me a strong headache to get used to the size, the new resolution and the 3D (AWESOME!). It was worth the […]

In french, it means “torticollis”. I’ve got this stiff neck on Monday just after opening my mouth, one of the muscle in the back of my neck contracted in a wrong way. It was not too serious but somehow it got worse today. I thought it would be gone by now. Maybe, I did something […]

I am in a good mood and few good events came with it as a result: At Seoul Airport, I was given free extra luggage by the person at the registration, other people had to pay 100 euros. At Carefour, I again had extra grilled smoked ham for free after some kind negotations otherwise it […]

This is relatively new to me: no big or little drama. I am running and cycling everyday and it makes me feel very good. I sleep very well all day long. It is very relaxing not to worry about anything in life and I hope that it will continue. Summer is very boring in France, […]

Cleaning time: floor impeccably white and windows perfectly transparent. All the electronics and screens are also clean. There might be nothing in my studio but whatever is in there is white and impeccable.

cuTe pIc!

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Me and lyn sticking her tongue out:

I want to buy this expensive TV because it looks really nice. The price went down from 3250 to 2690 Euros (+sound bar). I will wait a bit more until it goes down to 2k at Darty.

I love it. Doing nothing but waking up late, going shopping, eating, playing games and re-installing my computer. I wanted to buy a printer but again I gave up on this idea because I can print whatever at work.

My plane landed at the airport at 13:30 and everything was okay. It was a bit warm in the plane, usually it is cold with the AC. I took a shower and I am relaxing now.

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