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hElpIng Or not ReAllY HelPIng!
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There is no nerd in my building besides me! I tried to help people in my building with some technical explanations to their problems and how they could fix it. At the end of the day, it really did not matter much. In fact, people are not really asking for answers, they just want a quick fix to whatever annoys them that day. The truth is whatever is important to other people is not really important to me and vice-versa.
How many people can understand for example:
1. that 25 fps is nice for WoW and 12 fps is slow.
2. that a download speed of 425 kbs/sec is slow and allows for a single movie of 12 Gb in Bluray format per night.
3. that 4K TV can display images at 4096 x 2160 resolution
4. that OQ is much nicer for raiding in Europe
5. that RL has all movies and games available
6. that Mirc allows you to download everything you want on internet and it is faster than bittorrent?
The only people who can understand all the above are the ones I talk to through my computer screen.