It’s cleaning time at my office therefore I could pick up some old stuffs to give away. I will give to the young “Roms” couple who comes every Sunday checking our trash bins: an old scanner, a Wii Mini and even an old camera, some 3G hotspot, tons of electronic connectors. Maybe they can sell […]

Three times this week, crazy drivers almost got me into a car accident: a careless woman, an old man and a stupid dude with his phone. I might end up getting a real car accident soon with these crazy drivers in Paris.


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I checked regularly on the Web for a good 4G internet deal: cheap and unlimited. I found out that the 4G+ will soon be available with Bouygues for the same price and it is twice as fast! GREAT! The internet speed at my home is not as nice as I would like it to be, […]

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