Each year the family reunions are never the same. There is always someone missing for a reason. I started the trend being away for at least 6 years! We all had our reasons and they are all justified! As the family grew bigger, these reasons are less related to me. From my point of view, […]

Photo session from Hélène:


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The 3D technology is amazing, especially in the movie Avatar. The precision and the beauty of the images are awesome! 10 years ago, I went to watch 3D movies and they are funny but not amazing. On my new TV and in my living room with the fancy sound system, it is trully enjoyable! This […]


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I was at the store checking for a 3D movie to buy. They are expensive so I wanted to choose the cheapest 3D bluray of Avatar. There was a man holding his kid’s hands. The kid had a funny fast flow of speech. I did not realize at first and I thought he was talking […]

I made a reasonable choice and it was the Thomson that was chosen. It was the cheapest 4K 3D TV: 899 Euros. I am extremely impressed and happy with this upgrade. It did gave me a strong headache to get used to the size, the new resolution and the 3D (AWESOME!). It was worth the […]

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