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In the building, there is a man I call the “caid”. He is meeting “friends” on a regular basis in cars in front of the building instead of taking them home. His family seems normal: the big brother (18-20) has a GF and the small brother (3-5) is lively. I rarely saw them together with the “caid”. I witnessed today his wife and him together but the strange look they exchanged was a defiant warning look.
Since I moved out, I saw a lot of couples in complicated situations:
1. The old couple, with the Alzheimer husband. The woman treats him like a dog.
2. The young mixted-couple: split and entangled in financial problems.
3. The “caid” family, they smell danger all around them
4. The Adams family, no money and looking hopelessly lost
There is a white couple at the end of my hallway: they almost look normal with a little pretty girl. The husband looks like a giant and his wife looks like a skinny boy (Tomboy hair style and flat like Jane Birkin). I know that they avoid any contact with people in the building.