Gangnam Street!

Filed Under Daily

I spent my 2 evenings at Gangnam Street. Very crowded and lovely street with all the modernity and the restaurants. I tried 3 meals a day and I was a bit disapointed! Nothing really exciting. I will have dinner at the american “Outback” steak house tomorrow. It was a really good steack house in the US:


2 Responses to “Gangnam Street!”

  1. Diane on July 13th, 2014 2:55 pm

    Finalement as tu été au steack house? Tu as l’air d’avoir du beau temps. Chez nous, il n’arrête pas de pleuvoir..un été sous la pluie 🙁

  2. admin on July 14th, 2014 3:50 am

    Vi 2 fois même. Delicieux!

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