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I received a bonus for Summer vacation from my job: 583 Euros (after tax). Since I bought the studio, I was careful and I wanted to save enough to be able buy a car and a laptop when the time comes. I almost saved enough to buy both now and it is tempting to buy […]


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On Thursday 12 June 2014, date of my last mental crisis, I unleashed my negative feelings towards the property developer of my building regarding few things that were imperfect: 1. The elevator: not working 2. The garage door: it can be opened manually 3. The front gate: it remains open without a proper rotatory mechanism. […]


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I had a reflection about kids. When I look at the fat kid on my floor and his parents…Geez … All I wanna say is what a waste of lives. They look sad, they look dumb and they look lost in this world. I hope that my sister will have a nice, pretty and charming […]

i Am cRuAl!

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Today, I felt bad but I had to be clear. The stupid fat kid came and asked if he can borrow my Xbox 360. I told him that I am sorry but the Xbox 360 costs 600 euros when I bought it and I cannot let him borrow it. I hurt me to say it […]

I can feel a mental crisis coming so to kill it in da egg, I ran today. I probably ran for an hour and half at a decent speed. I did not stop. I ran the length I usually did with my bike. Then I used my bike 4 times for the same length. My […]

So I called Orange, the national internet provider and it did confirm that the internet lane to our building can only have a theoretical speed of 3 Mb therefore I am left with 4G as alternative. Now I need them to increase their antennas and national coverage so that I can use the 4G network. […]

So my sister stopped by for a family reunion. It was funny to see my little sister with her belly. I should admit it was a bit weird. I did enjoy the reunion even if my mother managed to annoy me. I do not know why my mother kept on buying formal shirt and her […]

mY rOcaDe!

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I prefer my current location to the quiet and dead location I had before. Last year, I was surrounded by a bunch of retired white french people. The street was really quiet except for the brunette (da “bitch”) who brought in some actions. It was quite depressing, because all I saw, were people waiting to […]

A funny family will be soon on my floor. It is made of an old white woman with an ugly dog (uglier than the owner!), an old black dude and a fat kid. They all look like the Adams family characters. The fat kid would like to borrow my Xbox 360. Funny Funky family …. […]

After 3 months and 12 days, I am finally connected to the internet through the normal phone lane: Adsl+. The speed isn’t that great and it is 10 times slower than the 4G network. It is decent and stable. I guess I will have to wait a bit for the 4G to become unlimited and cheaper. […]

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