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Looks like the workers won’t finish their current job connecting my building to the street internet/phone lane yet. An annoying electrical cable is also hanging really low in front of the entrance of my parking for 4 days now. On the other side, I am paying about the same amount of money for internet in 4G than I would normally pay for 3 months with the provider: 37.90 * 3 = 114 Euros. They are currently adding 1 month free as a commercial gesture.
5 Prepaid Sim cards with 2 days unlimitted: 9.90 * 5= 49.5 Euros
2 * 6GB recharge: 60 euros
Total: 110 Euros
I prefer the 4G connection if I had to choose if it was unlimitted. It is very smooth and I can take it with me anywhere in France provided that I am near a “Bouygues” antenna. It is faster than the ADSL2 lane connection.