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bEinG YourSelf!
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Today I went to renew my passport. I thought it would be one of these ordinary and boring administrative stuff but it turned out to be quite enjoyable.
Before the meeting, I was upset about my ID photos, they were ugly and I spent the afternoon messing around with a nice picture. Anyways, I was prepared and I had the ugly standardized photos with me . I then entered the room and met a woman. After going through few steps, she immediately detected the abnormal stuffs: my origin, the place where I was born and my mother’s maiden name. Each time, I offered a simple answer in a way that would make it fit without being perfect: it was borderline but sincere and witty.
Then came the photos, she immediately said : “hum this is not a formal standardized photo”. I did not say anything hoping to drop the tricky matter. The machine rejected the photo and she looked at me with her smarty eyes waiting for an answer like I did before.
I simply said: “I have the standardized photos but they are ugly”.
The woman replied: “You are a little smart ass, aren’t you?” She did not seem upset at all but her smile showed that she had lots of experience. She offered kindly to approve the photo if I wish but …she gave me a chance to answer like I did before. She seemed to enjoy my way of doing things differently.
I gave her reluctantly the ugly photos. She smiled again and said, you look just fine.
Funny witty woman!