What it is like not to have rent? It is like a huge burden off your shoulders. The feeling that you are no longer exploited by another human being. This feeling was extremely acute last year. THREE MONTHS already without rent! yea yea yea! I bought Diablo III expansion and the game is really beautiful. […]

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls

A huge wave of emotions just got through my brain. In these moments, I try to calm down, run and let it pass. I see so clear what I want and what I do not want.

mY hOme!

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Cold black and white and empty but all mine :).


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Here are my holiday times: 19 Jul – 03 Aug (2 weeks) 09 Aug – 17 Aug (1 Week) 20 Dec – 04 Jan (2 Weeks) Unlike my colleagues, I prefer having shorter holidays but spread around the year. Many people stack up all their vacations during July or August. I also inserted few days […]


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The Air conditioning system in my car stopped working 2 weeks ago and I thought it would cost a lot to fix it. I took it to the garage yesterday and the technician replaced the cooling fluid. I am very happy because it only took half an hour and it was not as expensive as […]

Three weeks after the moving, I am getting used to the place. I did not add many things and it remains as empty and as white as before. It is very functional and it has everything I need. A little spider has come with me and it is moving around the place. I’ll let it […]


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3 newcomers have moved in on Saturday. Lots of stuffs and of course lots of cars. The 2 French newcomers rented vans to move their stuffs in and one Arab family had borrowed friends’ vans. Most importantly #2 on my floor moved in next door. She seems quiet and we have not spoken much. I hope […]


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I was playing WoW yesterday and around 11 pm I saw a police car stopping right in front of my building.  6 police officers got out and checked the man in the car in front of them. After a thorough checking of the car and the man, they arrested him. That was a strange vision […]

I am feeling really relaxed and happy: no more cramps or sore body and no more urgent matters to take care off! The bad cough seems over also. As time goes by, I met more and more owners in the building, they just stopped by to check but none has moved in yet. The architect […]

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