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tHe WonDeR oF tEcHnOlOgy!
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I am on a H+ connection through a nice little WIFI device. The internet speed is awesome however it is very expensive. Luckily for me, I am having 12 Gb + 12 Gb free as a trial for 6 months.
I will have to rely on this nice technology for at least a month according to the woman I had on the phone and who is responsible for the connection of the internet to my building. She said that there is a physical problem concerning the connection to our new building. She called the company responsible for the installation and she is waiting for the results of the testing and the repair. I do not trust her and I only hope that she is saying the truth :). Last time I ran into such problem it lasted for 4 months! but who knows!
Let’s see how things go. I do not want to pay 140 euros / months for this nice connection!