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This blood test shows if the virus (Hepatitis B) is doing any un-controled damages to my liver: Here are the results: Transaminases ASAT (GOT): 22 UL/L (normal 5-34) Transaminases ALAT (GPT): 29 UL/L (normal 2-55) The result is pretty much normal this year.


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Hard to watch but worth it: Excellent movie. Dallas Buyers Club I’m still looking for a meaning to my own life at the age of 37, maybe I need a reason to fight for it like the guy in the movie.


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I am emerging slowly from my huge investment in 2013. I had to carefully budget everything. I should have about 2k in cash now. Even though I kept on paying about 1450 Euros per month for rent and mortgage. The rent will be reimbursed in the final payment for the studio as late fee. Becoming […]

rObBeD aGaIn!

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Three days after, another apartment got robbed. This time it was on the 3rd floor and they destroyed the door. The robbers stole also more stuff I heard. Nobody could believe what happened, especially 2 days after. Everyone is on high alert and we all talked about it a lot. We had policemen coming over […]

Da ZonE!

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Thieves broke into 3 apartments today between 15:30 and 18:00, I went to my parents’ during that time. Luckily, my place was not among these. Nothing expensive or important was stolen besides jewelries and perfumes. These thieves did not care about electronics/TV or more expensive stuffs. People immediately thought about the Romanian camps around the […]

ApArT 2013

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Last year at the exact same date, I moved into this studio under dramatic conditions and I got into all kind of stupid troubles. I always hated it maybe it is time to be in peace with this place I never wanted. Here are few photos. It was also a good reason to use my […]

nOW WhAt!

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Today, I talked to the dude who is splitting with his 6-years GF (the mixte couple). They bought the apartment in this building together and had a 25-years mortgage. The bank is asking him 42k to buy her share of the deal and to keep things as they were. He told me that he had […]