1. I got the diplomas. 2. I got an “easy” job with a decent salary. 3. I will buy a studio … Still I am not really excited about all this. I am still bored with my life. I am thinking about applying to a position in my company to work on a island near […]

Last week, I signed a pre-contract to buy a new studio, 131 000 Euros + 3741 Euros in Fees: 134 741 Euros in total. My personal scheme to pay this loan is as followed: Personal Saving: 26 741 State Loan (0% interest): 43 230 Company Loan (2.25% interest): 15 000 (Maybe 20000) Banking Loan (2.96% […]


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It is not good to be next to me now. I am like a volcano ready to explode. My mom called… usually it is not a good sign: 1. So my offer to make free expensive glasses for my brother is misunderstood. My mom thinks it will be too long for my brother to get […]

I am in one of these phases  as usual and, of course, I am looking for a en empty place where I am feeling good. In these moments, I do not want to have contact with people. I like being ALONE. So I have an opportunity to buy a studio and I will probably sign […]

I’ve downloaded about 30 Gb of all movies I’ve missed and I have watched only one: Jack Reacher. It was entertaining! I am full time back to MiRC. There are not many things out there at the moment. I am going to check the location of a new studio I might want to buy today: […]

It took exactly 4 months to get through this horrible nightmare. I finally have unlimited and fast internet with a regular provider. All problems came from the company that built this new building and the process to activate a new connection to a building. I had to call and to insist heavily to get hooked […]

A note from the person responsible for the building saying that we are finally connected (physically) was received last Thursday. Happy, I went to the main provider, Orange, and asked to be connected to internet thinking it would be done quickly. In fact, they only open the commercial service in 10 days meaning people use […]

Ordinary people like me and you doing exceptional things, it might be old to you but who knows: 1. Father who took images of his son, 21, every day since he was born. 2. 30 years apart 3. a simple letter I wonder why I cannot do such simple things?

So here is the brackets after talking to the bank. 15 years: price of the studio: 124 K cost of the deal: 37.7 K payment: 815 Euros/month 20 years: price of the studio: 142 K cost of the deal: 65.5 K payment: 815 Euros/month

I called yesterday the 3rd internet company to inquire about the progress of my internet activation (Bouygues). Nobody could find my online application. I will just use the 3G+ until I leave. I really did not think that a brand new studio would be so complicated. Conclusion: look for a better place to buy and […]

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