I also bought: Nike + Kinect training (39.99 Euros) + Call of Duty MW3 (19.99 Euros) + Rayman origins (19.99 Euros). I also got the Wii Mini (99.99 Euros) + Super Mario Bros (46 Euros). Total Summer Spending on high-tech: 637.96 Euros. I will stop right here I think! I have contributed enough to the […]

PoRtAl 2

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Portal 2 was the first game, I bought this game after buying the bundle Xbox 360. It was cheap and who would have guessed it was addictive. I am currently on chapter 2 at level 6/22. The first chapter was very addictive! It gives you a headache but you want to solve all the level […]

ThAt Hurt!

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If people think that playing virtually in front of the screen does not hurt, they are wrong. I am sore everywhere from playing these sport games in front of the Kinect. It was fun! The old lady stopped shouting at her husband the last 2 days. Someone came and told her she shouted too much […]

I bought a Xbox 360 / 250 Gb with 3 games for 199 Euros. I am very impressed with the Kinect technology: voice recognition and motion detector. Fun to play with and you can impress people with the motion detector. You can also post your recorded videos online! I am having a headache trying to control […]

It will just be a relaxing week for me. I am not going anywhere besides spending time shopping/playing/sleeping …answering some emails for work. I actually like my vacations this way. Relaxing! I do not like being too far away from my computer and I enjoy my everyday routine. Going somewhere means lots of disturbances. I […]

Love me again by John Newman

Miss Misery by Alex Hepburn Counting Stars by OneRepublic Silhouettes by Avicii (I did not understand the video at first :)!)

So the brother and the sister from Senegal had a noisy visit yesterday from the owners. It appears that they have not paid their rent for 6 months. I thought I was in troubled water with my 2 months late payment. I told this story to one owner living in our building and he was […]

I went for a run early in the morning as usual then I stopped and stretched my legs at the intersection after a small hill. I witnessed a collision between a runner and a biker. The runner tried to leave quickly after getting back on his feet and making sure the biker was not injured. […]

My SUndaY

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8 am: wake up Check WoW, Read news on Yahoo or Lemonde. Enjoy a bit of sunshine on the terrase. 9 am: car cleaning 9:30 jogging time 10:20: Mow the lawn 11:30 clean the studio 12:30 Lunch 13:00 Garden care and talking to the old lady 14:00 Castorama

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