After Diane’s wedding, we were playing in the garden and my cousin, Anne/Thao, jockingly said to her boyfriend who was teasing her about eating legumes from her dad’s garden: “You were indeed my plan-B to avoid eating my parents’ soup”. Looks like that all girls left da house after having a boyfriend: their exit ticket […]


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I had fun playing WoW yesterday; The game is getting old and of course the new updates did not produce the same addictive effects like in the past. The server I am playing on is a bit empty nowadays so it is hard to fill in with people for 10-man raid games. We were only […]

The old lady in front of my house decided to put her Alzheimer husband in the hospital for 3 weeks. She warned him she would do it and finally she did it. Social Security will pay for this short term treatment. Financial considerations prevented her from doing it permanently she told me. Strange financial considerations […]


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I applied to Bouygues, “da” new big deal of “da” month! 4 months reimbursed + 6 months free 4G trial (12 gb) + 100 euros to cancel with the old provider + 80 euros to buy new 4G devices! That sounds too good to let go so I jumped in. As soon as they have […]

a ShOcK!

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I met a very kind german woman at the Institute of Soudure after my job interview a year and 3 months ago. She told me where the train station was on our way back. She has 3 kids and her husband happened to go to Notre Dame, the same university I went to in the […]

i WoN!

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So I wrote last week several emails in which I threatened the seller’s company of many legal actions and even to post all our emails  on the Web. They offered the interests first but I refused and asked right away 2 months rent. I really thought it would not work but they agreed! Perfect, I […]


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World War Z: Good movie with a little twist in the end!

As usual I clean my little studio and the car. It was a bit more thorough than usual. I woke up too early this morning. It smells good and I got rid of these yellowish things around wet areas with bleach. I am sure I would be happier if I am not that clean. We […]

I finally managed to go and check my sis’ house. It is very pretty and all new. There is of course plenty of space that will probably be filled in with decorations over the years however they have already done a good job  decorating it. I wish I had enough courage to decorate my little studio […]

The young couple: Sylvain and Sonie had a problem with their dishwasher. After struggling 2 times with it, I discovered the problem: detectors responsible for the water control were disconnected in the back of the machine. It was very hard to see those connectors in the back of the machine. Anyways, the couple was extremely […]

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