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Recent Posts
People who are regularly connected to World of Warcraft on “Le Culte de la Rive Noire” realm are used to one ad that comes up quite regularly in the trading channel:
Seot: flex2(fresh): need all
Urts:flex1(norushen): TANK + HEAL
Yesterday some of them saw something that got a lot more attention, I was quickly contacted by 4-5 players:
Luos: flex3(fresh): need all
A small group of Swedish/French/South African/Serbian asked me to join on a regular basis. Indeed, to join a flex3 or flex4 on Oqueue, most players are asked to have a gear level > 535-540. I am organizing these raids at a lower level 520.
This weekend I might get all their attention with this final ad:
Luos: flex4(fresh): need all