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4G Hotspot Bouygues is faster than ADSL Bouygues, the power is really within my palm (elegant small gadget). Not true 4G yet (100 Mbps) and very expensive at the moment! It should be nice to have 4G on my Iphone 5S :).


3 Responses to “sPeEdTeSt!”

  1. Coura on October 13th, 2013 5:30 am

    tu rigoles pas hein iphone 5s??? moi j’ai mon pauvre nokia a 25 pounds que j’ai achete hier, deja trop complique pour moi 😛

  2. admin on October 13th, 2013 11:19 am

    rhooo! On n’a pas les même valeurs ma chère Coura!

  3. anne tc on October 26th, 2013 2:34 am

    Tu vas a tang freres ce midi ? On pourrait proceder a un ptit echange 🙂 je t invite au resto 🙂

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