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Finally, I am officially the owner of my studio. The final paper has been signed today. Let’s keep fingers crossed and hopefully I will move in on time and with no bad surprises after. Geez! that was a really long process but I got to see the end of it.

From Alisson: Grow old with me by Tom Odell Safe and Sound by Capital Cities (I’ve already posted this one) Wings by Birdy Same love by Macklemore From me: Cups by Anna Kendrick Applause by Lady Gaga From Paul: Rion Paige on Xfactor Blown away by Carrie Underwood

AnGer uNleashed!

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Today  I called and asked my solicitor how things went for the studio. Indeed, I have given the solicitor the right to sign the final act on my name I was very displeased to learn that a missing document prevented the seller’s solicitor to sign. It was the proof by mail that I have received the […]


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All people living in the building stopped by to ask where I was yesterday when they saw lights in my studio. The protection in front of my window was down for a week and they thought something happened.  The old lady thought I would come back yesterday also. The lawn has grown nicely.

Happy to be home! I hate traveling but I survived my week alone. The taxi driver was unhappy when I told him where I live. I asked him if he wants me to take another taxi, he then explained to me that I live too close and he had to wait 2 hours just for […]


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As soon as I arrived to the Hotel, I asked about internet and of course they made you pay for a huge amount: 20 euros per day! Then I went to check for other options, my phone company switched to a local provider that charged about the same amount as the hotel per Mb. I […]

A PrOmisE!

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Okay for the next wedding here are my promises: 1. I will dance a valse with one of my cousin. Preferably the next bride. 2. I will dance rock with whoever knows how to dance it. I have a full year to learn these 2 things I will dedicate my time to do so.

ThE WeDding!

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It was really nice and I enjoyed the wedding. I should have learned to dance properly. I will fix that as soon as I get back from Germany. It is my priority #1. The really nice goodies to remember: My cousins’ speeches, their little games, the very nice powerpoint with Diane and Jonathan’s lives next […]

Two days ago, I heard cries upstairs from the sister from Senegal. Something must have happened. Maybe a death in the family. It was the curiosity of our neighbors. I was impressed that many people from Senegal stopped by to comfort her. White people around here were very suspicious. There is a strong smell (musk/burned smoke) […]

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