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AnGer uNleashed!
Filed Under Daily
Today I called and asked my solicitor how things went for the studio. Indeed, I have given the solicitor the right to sign the final act on my name
I was very displeased to learn that a missing document prevented the seller’s solicitor to sign. It was the proof by mail that I have received the contract offer. I immediatly called everybody and asked why this document was missing. I did not accept any excuses from any of them and requested a financial compensation. I threatened all of them to retrieve the contract and requested all money to be sent back to the banks tomorrow.
That worked! The seller has accepted to pay all banking interests! I requested the solicitor a solution and also to be called today. She did and I told on the phone that she did a very poor job and that I would like to get rid of her. She defended herself but had to acknowledge that something was not right. I told her that if she had some pride she should resign and not asking for money for a job she did not do! She had to send an apology at 7 pm. I really wanted to kick her out but there is no garranty I would get a better person.
Anyways they all knew what I felt and they were extremely surprised to see a determined person negociating a contract. I was indeed ready to withdraw 131 000 euros!
ou encore
Birdy – Wings
Macklemore – Same love
Je ne sais pas si tu les connaissais déjà mais voilà des chansons sympa que j’ai découvert il y a pas longtemps! bisouuuuuuus