i WoN!

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So I wrote last week several emails in which I threatened the seller’s company of many legal actions and even to post all our emails  on the Web. They offered the interests first but I refused and asked right away 2 months rent. I really thought it would not work but they agreed! Perfect, I […]


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World War Z: Good movie with a little twist in the end!

As usual I clean my little studio and the car. It was a bit more thorough than usual. I woke up too early this morning. It smells good and I got rid of these yellowish things around wet areas with bleach. I am sure I would be happier if I am not that clean. We […]

I finally managed to go and check my sis’ house. It is very pretty and all new. There is of course plenty of space that will probably be filled in with decorations over the years however they have already done a good job  decorating it. I wish I had enough courage to decorate my little studio […]

The young couple: Sylvain and Sonie had a problem with their dishwasher. After struggling 2 times with it, I discovered the problem: detectors responsible for the water control were disconnected in the back of the machine. It was very hard to see those connectors in the back of the machine. Anyways, the couple was extremely […]


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La La La by Naughty Boys


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I’ve been notified that the construction of my studio was delayed: 2 months. I wrote to the company and requested formal justifications and maybe financial compensation since I will have to pay 2 extra months for rent. We shall see. I like people in my current building so I do not mind the extra time […]


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So I got a speeding ticket: 45 Euros and minus 1 point! 134 kms above the 130 kms/h limit. I bought the flu vaccin and shot myself. It was surprisingly pleasant to do something that might hurt but in the end it was very smooth and I did not feel much of the pain.


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I re-installed my computer and I forgot I had the photos on the main drive so I deleted all pictures I took during the wedding. So if one of my cousin can send again my files to this ftp that would be great: ftp client: Filezilla Hôte (IP Address): Port: 21 Identifiant: oubli Mot […]

1. A permanent contract 2. A decent salary that allows me to buy high-tech stuffs and games. 3. A Car, fully paid for! 4. A new studio to move in next year! (3 months to go). The studio is only 15 min from work! 5. Nice neighbors to talk to Now what next in da […]

keep looking »