Miss Misery by Alex Hepburn Counting Stars by OneRepublic Silhouettes by Avicii (I did not understand the video at first :)!)

So the brother and the sister from Senegal had a noisy visit yesterday from the owners. It appears that they have not paid their rent for 6 months. I thought I was in troubled water with my 2 months late payment. I told this story to one owner living in our building and he was […]

I went for a run early in the morning as usual then I stopped and stretched my legs at the intersection after a small hill. I witnessed a collision between a runner and a biker. The runner tried to leave quickly after getting back on his feet and making sure the biker was not injured. […]

My SUndaY

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8 am: wake up Check WoW, Read news on Yahoo or Lemonde. Enjoy a bit of sunshine on the terrase. 9 am: car cleaning 9:30 jogging time 10:20: Mow the lawn 11:30 clean the studio 12:30 Lunch 13:00 Garden care and talking to the old lady 14:00 Castorama


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Weird weird feelings: Anger emptiness depression! These feelings come back at an intensity sometimes. I find everyday life a bit boring and meaningless. It is not that I have some suicidal desire or whatever. It is just plain observation.

Here is the group: The blonde: she was the first one I met. She is nice and works as a dental technician. She has a BF who is currently looking for a job. The mixte couple: they are the only owners in the building. Hard working people in their late 20s. He is french and […]

I made 2 complaints to my internet company and I got 2 refunds!!! I am thinking about making a 3rd complaint. I got a huge aphtae on the left side of my tongue and it is painful! It is almost over but still what a week!

Yesterday was the anniversary of my first year at my current job/company. It is not too stressful and the salary is decent. I have contributed to an important transition and I have simplified many tedious tasks and lengthy processes. More importantly, I have avoided many political issues by staying neutral and far away from them. […]