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Recent Posts
My liFe is a ChEcK liSt!
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1. I got the diplomas.
2. I got an “easy” job with a decent salary.
3. I will buy a studio
Still I am not really excited about all this. I am still bored with my life. I am thinking about applying to a position in my company to work on a island near Australia (New Caledonia). We shall see if I get enough strength to send my CV. I think people I work with are quite pleased with my job. No complaints and problems to solve anymore. Maybe, it is time to move on to something else.
I was a bit annoyed by the banks, there are really not very good at maths. They are using a stupid software. I told them what I wanted and I insisted. Some of them had to call me twice to explain to me what they did. I only wanted them to apply my scheme step by step.