For 5 months, I’ve witnessed a strange scene in front of my door: an old woman shouting at her husband who does not seem to mind and who repeats the same sentences: I knew there was something going on but…Today, the old woman came to me when I was doing some cleaning to my garden. […]

1. I got the diplomas. 2. I got an “easy” job with a decent salary. 3. I will buy a studio … Still I am not really excited about all this. I am still bored with my life. I am thinking about applying to a position in my company to work on a island near […]

Last week, I signed a pre-contract to buy a new studio, 131 000 Euros + 3741 Euros in Fees: 134 741 Euros in total. My personal scheme to pay this loan is as followed: Personal Saving: 26 741 State Loan (0% interest): 43 230 Company Loan (2.25% interest): 15 000 (Maybe 20000) Banking Loan (2.96% […]


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It is not good to be next to me now. I am like a volcano ready to explode. My mom called… usually it is not a good sign: 1. So my offer to make free expensive glasses for my brother is misunderstood. My mom thinks it will be too long for my brother to get […]

I am in one of these phases  as usual and, of course, I am looking for a en empty place where I am feeling good. In these moments, I do not want to have contact with people. I like being ALONE. So I have an opportunity to buy a studio and I will probably sign […]

I’ve downloaded about 30 Gb of all movies I’ve missed and I have watched only one: Jack Reacher. It was entertaining! I am full time back to MiRC. There are not many things out there at the moment. I am going to check the location of a new studio I might want to buy today: […]