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The gas heater had an error message and went to a safety mode and shut itself down! Dang! Back to boiling hot water for the shower and a cold studio again.

Thursday 03: I moved out. I woke up at 6 am in order to be at the place before 8 am. The electricity/gaz technician came at 8:15 to activate both. I also moved most of my stuff from my room to my studio. I came back to take my TV and few stuffs. So first […]

ThE DaTeS!

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Wednesday 02: I sign the contract for the place. Normally I should get the keys and I should be able to move some stuffs in. Thursday 03: Two technicians will come and activate the electricity and the gas between 8-12 pm. Friday 04: Another technician will come to turn on the  gas heater. I might […]

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