And another month pass by. It will be 2 months soon that  I am working and it is still great. Especially with everyone on vacation, I almost have the whole floor to myself. Next week should be smooth since all the hard work is done. I will just have to prepare in advance the next […]

5 dAys oFf

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Wednesday the 15th of August is a holiday in France and I added 2 paid days to get a 3-day “bridge” and the weekend off. I had to do some homework on Thursday morning so that I do not get behind any schedule this month. It is indeed summer time and people I work with […]

I love this office.  5 windows and extremely spacious! But more importantly, all mine! No sharing! And birds are singing in the morning when  I arrive early. Delightful! The view is lovely as well. Just a perfect office, I am telling ya’

Back Then!

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Thinking back about my job search period, I sometimes get chills. Indeed I was close to accept really shitty positions back then for much less. I could not, of course, predict where I would be today and back then it was hard to be choosy. The economy looked so bad, even now, that one would […]

I am happy to see my blog working again. I was a bit worried after 5 days of a deadly silence! I was right and it was just a temporary httpd problem. All is back to normal now and all is good! I need to make regular backups because I don’t see myself writing all […]

In few days, it will be one month. That means my first salary at my new job. I will be on my own soon, and of course, I will enjoy the big pretty office. It also means more responsibilities. Cannot wait to be there! So far so good! I enjoy going to work everyday but […]

Well Well Well! My bro passed his “CAPES” exam to become a math teacher and he was assigned to a school very close to home. Like 10 kms away only. That is good! Hopefully the students aren’t too hard to handle. Anyways this year looks promising for both of us. We both got a job! […]

bAd Luck!

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We were supposed to spend the weekend in Belgium with my cousins but life has decided otherwise. My parents’ car had some engine’s problems and it could not accelerate on the highway. We had to stop near a highway exit, left the car there and got back home in my sister’s car.  My sister had […]

I managed to get some pics on Friday night. I went out and had a really expensive dinner alone in an Italian restaurant. I gave the smart waiter a fat ass tip. I had 3 Heineken!!! LINK

I am waiting for the taxi. I am leaving today late in the afternoon but I will take a cab at 3 pm with my boss. Her plane is earlier. Anyways I checked out at the hotel so I do not have a place to stay until then therefor I will wait at the airport. […]

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