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Lovely Xmas!
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As usual my little cousins were charming. and I had a lovely Xmas. I just brought my sorry self to their place and one Moet-champagne and 2 wannabe champagnes. I really did not have time this year to prepare anything. I finished work late on Friday and I was tired. Anyways, I hope they did not mind. I did not think money or cash contribution was appropriate so I did not make any. My brother tried.
Something seems missing, I cannot pinpoint what. I felt incomplete even though I fulfilled my duty as a guest. I do not know what and it bothered me. I really enjoyed my time with people from my cousin generation. They are fun to be with. The reality of life seems to catch up the younger ones. I have a peculiar tenderness for the youngest of my cousins. But they have grown up and it seems that life has caught up with them. I wish them all the best but I could sense that the grip life is there.