LiFe GoEs on!

Filed Under Daily

Nothing to mention really. I am a bit busy at work since I manage the transition to a new system but things are just going along without no much drama but the ones I have in my own head.

Mist of Pandaria, the World of Warcraft latest update is out and I am also busy with finishing my first level 90. It takes some time and I am a bit tired at home to stay up late to finish my priest.

I am driving a bit better now and I think I got over this fear. It remains a bit scary though. I have driven more than 7000 km now after 3 months.

We’ve lost internet connection last week and a technician is going to check the material at our place today. I think it is a waste of time. Anyways my brother and myself are on 3G connection during this time so it is not too bad.


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