NiCe SongS!

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Tightrope by Janelle Monae: quite refreshing and elegant! I wish I could dance like them! We are young by Fun and Monae: Sounds different than the common shit on the radio.

I was wondering why I am in perpetual conflict with my parents. It is because they are in perpetual conflict with themselves. Their continuous bickering and fighting that goes up in a crescendo every 3 weeks is very stressful on my nerves. For them, it is normal, their mind and body have adapted to this […]

So quickly. Sadly I did not change.

Nothing to mention really. I am a bit busy at work since I manage the transition to a new system but things are just going along without no much drama but the ones I have in my own head. Mist of Pandaria, the World of Warcraft latest update is out and I am also busy […]