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A summary about my financial situation. Net Income (after tax): +2398 Euros Housing: -600 Euros Transport + insurance: -247 Euros Food/Living: -394 Euros So that makes my monthly saving: + 1157 Euros Not too bad! However I will get these restaurant vouchers (170 – 68 selfcontribution = 102 euros) for lunch starting this month, that […]

I will regret these 2 weeks. It was quite nice working alone in the office with no social activities to disturb you. It was quiet and it was effective. I came in early and left around 17:10 ( a bit earlier on Friday). Even though it was a bit stressful to finish the old job […]

And another month pass by. It will be 2 months soon that  I am working and it is still great. Especially with everyone on vacation, I almost have the whole floor to myself. Next week should be smooth since all the hard work is done. I will just have to prepare in advance the next […]

5 dAys oFf

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Wednesday the 15th of August is a holiday in France and I added 2 paid days to get a 3-day “bridge” and the weekend off. I had to do some homework on Thursday morning so that I do not get behind any schedule this month. It is indeed summer time and people I work with […]

I love this office.  5 windows and extremely spacious! But more importantly, all mine! No sharing! And birds are singing in the morning when  I arrive early. Delightful! The view is lovely as well. Just a perfect office, I am telling ya’

Back Then!

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Thinking back about my job search period, I sometimes get chills. Indeed I was close to accept really shitty positions back then for much less. I could not, of course, predict where I would be today and back then it was hard to be choosy. The economy looked so bad, even now, that one would […]

I am happy to see my blog working again. I was a bit worried after 5 days of a deadly silence! I was right and it was just a temporary httpd problem. All is back to normal now and all is good! I need to make regular backups because I don’t see myself writing all […]