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I am waiting for the taxi. I am leaving today late in the afternoon but I will take a cab at 3 pm with my boss. Her plane is earlier. Anyways I checked out at the hotel so I do not have a place to stay until then therefor I will wait at the airport.
My plane will leave the US at 20:35 (Denver local time) and arrive to Paris on Saturday 14 at 16:05 local time. There is a connection in London at Heathrow. I will call a cab to get back home from the airport. I will travel on British Airways.
It was exciting to go back to the US after 7 years. The conference was not too bad and I managed to stay away from troubles. I cannot wait to get back home and get my little routines back where they were. Next time I might ask to only attend the events that concern my work. We shall see.
I cannot wait to start my real job as well.