Got a Job!!!!

Filed Under Daily

Scientific and technical officer for the International Institute of Welding

Starting date: July 3rd

40 min drive from home!

Base salary: 37 k!

“CDI” type= permanent contract

What’s the job? I am responsible for the journal and any scientific publication from the institute around the world.

F** k**ng Awesome!!!

I will attend an international conference organized by the institute next week in Colorado (US): Jul 05-Jul 13! So I will be back to the US after 7 years.


2 Responses to “Got a Job!!!!”

  1. Coura on June 30th, 2012 4:18 am

    je suis trop contente pour toi!!!!! hehehehe
    fais gaffe il y des incendies au Colorado en ce moment.

  2. admin on June 30th, 2012 1:31 pm

    mici mici 🙂
    C’est a Denver! tkt!

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