My New Studio!

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I finally found a studio I like near my workplace. It is all new with a garden. It is very well located (town center and train station nearby). I will sign the paperwork next Wednesday 02 2013. As planned, I will move out of my parents’ place in January. It was very hard to find […]


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I got food poisoning since Tuesday so few very unpleasant days. I am still not recovering yet and I spare you the details. It’s been a while that I have such an acute diarrhea. I am extremely careful about my diet because I have a very moody stomach. When I do not eat my regular […]

As usual my little cousins were charming. and I had a lovely Xmas. I just brought my sorry self to their place and one Moet-champagne and 2 wannabe champagnes. I really did not have time this year to prepare anything. I finished work late on Friday and I was tired. Anyways, I hope they did […]

Whoa! This is probably the best moment of these vacations…In 2 hours I will have 2 full weeks of vacation. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek time!


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Yea Yea yea! 2 weeks of vacation starting tomorrow.Finally, it’s getting there! I will leave work tomorrow at 4 pm and I will also check a studio nearby. Hopefully, it will be the right one. Things seem to calm down at home but I do not think any of us want to return back as […]

My current mobile carrier, Free is the cheapest but sadly the poorest carrier, quality wise. Also, it has implemented all sort of bandwidth restrictions with popular internet services that are bandwidth-hungry such as Youtube. So, even though you have unlimited internet, you cannot use it as you wish or as it is being used by […]

Always annoying these Mondays! I do not like them. I tend to be a bit disturbed when I get back to work due to sleeping adjustments, meaning I did not sleep well. It was not that bad but still, it was not pleasant to wake up this morning for work. Not much to do this […]

Finally, I received my tax payment from last year. That was a long, painful and stupid process. It will finally legalize my situation in France from now on! A lot of administrative matters require this form and mine was lost in the administrative limbo for a while. I have a complicated life moving everywhere and […]

Hum HUm!

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So my brother has decided to stop his newly and hardly obtained teaching position after …3 months and half (permanent civil job). For my brother, it is the exact same type of job that he has been trying for the last 6 years. He commonly admitted that it is not his passion and it is […]

6 months ago, when I entered my car or any car, I always had this little thing in my stomach called fear. I drove a lot in the US but after a long time without practice in Australia and back to France (maybe 5-6 years) , I did not feel comfortable. Now, it is much […]

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