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I am one year older and I don’t want to think about it. It was a great relaxing weekend…too short again! I bought a pair of running shoes for my BD. I shall use it of course. I don’t really want to buy a fancy expensive rowing machine because I really intend to move back […]

Very relaxing! I managed to do everything I wanted to do: laundry, cooking, discovering a running trail around, shopping a bit, writing some stuffs, watching few movies and of course playing WoW. I could even afford a nap on Saturday. It was like heaven on Earth. Once you get back to  a working schedule, weekends […]


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Last week was really something. My dad was admitted to the hospital for a checking and was diagnosed with possible complications and maybe another operation. After 6 days during which he underwent all kind of testing, it turned out he was OKAY.  He came home yesterday all happy. I had my first big deadline also […]

I went to the store and finally took these. They did not even call to let me know they have arrived. It took me about 3 hours to build the damn bed and my body is sore today. It was hard work! It was supposed to be built by 2 people. I have now all […]

In 25 min, I am taking the train to go back to Paris to have a one-day training tomorrow. Then weekend at my parents’ and back to Grenoble on Sunday.  It’ll be  cool!


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Internet went down yesterday just before I went to bed at midnight. I thought I had more trouble again. Luckily it went back this morning. Pfew!  Panic time!

I managed to get the key to the trash room! Weeee! My last annoying business is the screws for my bed. Now on the positive side: ANPE, one of the french social system, will give me about 1100 euros to help me moving from Paris to Grenoble. CAF, another french social system, continues to help […]

That was a nice weekend relaxing and calm with good food besides. I didn’t have to run around shopping, buying heavy stuffs and build them afterward. I ate on time and I even had time to row a bit. It was like a bubble of oxygen after a hard month in Grenoble. Also my studio […]


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I am back to my parents’ place this weekend and also next weekend because I have a one day training next Friday 01/04. I just wanted to come back and relax a bit and finish some paperworks to get reimbursed.  It feels good to change my routine to something more pleasant and of course to […]


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Call it Karma, Curse or whatever but I am fiercely affected by a serie of unfortunate events. I was supposed to get the mail and the trash box keys. There was some delays caused by something that made me arrive 15 min later and they closed 15 min earlier! Then the electrical fuse that is […]

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