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I thought summer was quiet and nice but not this year. O well it keeps my days full and busy. I do not see time passed by. Good! Hopefully the change of management will be in my favor. I am entering my 6th month which means I have 6 months of experience! That was my […]

I have taken more than 700 pictures of the wedding and, of course, I haven’t had time to post them all. Now is the right time to dig out all these pictures. Some are very nice and others are just multiple shots of the same scene. I will also give the links to download all […]

It was about time I update and upgrade my blog. Sadly my ISP, Free, has not upgraded its PhP version yet so I am compielled to store a lower version on their site and a more advanced version on mine. The code of the site can only be viewed normally using Firefox alike browsers. The […]

Pretty pictures of the BBQ at my cousin’s place! Flickr: link Back to Dutchland Beach! What a day! Flickr: link

I cannot wait to be on vacation. Well deserved holidays! Plan: visit of our family in Belgium, BBQ and a day at the beach in Holland (Oysters and Mussels) And of course more pretty pictures to come :).


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In few words, I really do not know how to choose a very good camera for a given price. Usually, I just picked the most expensive one, the most popular with tons of links and sample of pictures on the web. Usually when ten people write lengthy guides/reviews about a camera, it cannot suck! I […]

My cousin would like to buy a camera and she is asking me questions in this post: link. Cameras and lenses are very expensive. About four years ago, I bought my Nikon D200 and I’ve never regretted it. If I have to buy a camera today the Nikon D700 would be my choice in a […]

My little studio isn’t that bad after all. I would like to emphasize the cleanliness of the place. It took me one week to clean it and I was very angry at the previous dumb ass who left it in such a disgusting state. As usual I need to be surrounded by at least 2 […]

US TuBes

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Need you now- Lady Antebellum if I die Young – The band Perry Raise your glass – P!nk Rolling in the Deep – Adele

A Relief!

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I was afraid after the shocking news of my boss departure that her number 2 would take over. I had issues with her at the beginning and I am not very comfortable working with/for her. It seems that they are looking for someone new and external to the service to take over which is good. […]

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