Plip Plop!

Filed Under Daily

Well it’s a GREAT Week. I only work 2 days this week: Wednesday and Thursday. I am enjoying a 4 days weekend, Tuesday being public holiday + I took one day off this Monday. Also I am having a job interview with the IRSN (Institut de radioprotection et de la surete nucleaire) this Friday so I took one more day off.

I want to dedicate some serious time to work on my interview. It’s been great to be back home especially before the cold winter. Going home everyday and enjoying a family meal is nicer than getting back to my “cell” in Grenoble. I am saving money and I help my family at the same time. I hope I can manage a smooth transition and keep working somehow. I do not want to keep the current position after December. I rather be unemployed and look for another one. I also had an internal interview with my company for another position that would start next year. Again nothing is certain!

Even though things aren’t looking clear right now, I took the right steps to make the moves forward. I do not want to wait too long to move in my life anymore.


2 Responses to “Plip Plop!”

  1. Coura on November 5th, 2011 3:16 pm

    Alors comment s’est passe l’entretien?

  2. admin on November 8th, 2011 12:20 pm

    Sniff c’est un non.

    De toute facon c’etait beaucoup trop loin. 3 heures de train + 5 mois d’attente pour l’habilitation securite nationale. Ca semblait bien ennuyeux aussi

    Bref c’est mieux ainsi.

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