Home sweet Home!

Filed Under Daily

I am having 5 days off and I am back to Paris for some fun.

Friday: Train to Paris, home at 23:00

Saturday:  Shopping in Paris 13e, Chinatown, short detour to my sister’s place to visit her apart and see her cat and then we all head back to my parents’ place to play some games and eat.

Sunday: bad weather, we stay home and play some games

Monday: We spend the day at Cergy’s artificial lake resort doing some water activities. We shall see

Tuesday: We will go to Asterix’s theme parc. Tons of pictures I am hoping!

Wednesday: Back to Grenoble.


2 Responses to “Home sweet Home!”

  1. Coura on August 13th, 2011 1:44 pm

    Amuse toi bien! Moi je commence Lundi..mes vacances sont finies snif snif snif

  2. Coura on August 24th, 2011 1:47 pm

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