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Filed Under Daily, Nikon D200
My cousin would like to buy a camera and she is asking me questions in this post: link. Cameras and lenses are very expensive. About four years ago, I bought my Nikon D200 and I’ve never regretted it.
If I have to buy a camera today the Nikon D700 would be my choice in a heartbeat. The camera itself costs about 2000 euros. The lens Nikon AF/S DX VR 18-200 is about 400 euros. Total: 2400 Euros. I paid that price 4 years ago for my Nikon D200 that has been replaced since by the Nikon D700.
Nikon D700 vs Canon 5D Mark II
I think the Nikon D300 is a bit cheaper and it is better than the Nikon D200. You can find one at about 600-700 Euros. But you still need the lens. So if you want something really good, you would need at least 1200 Euros (camera + lens) .
Advice: find a good summer job :).
Now the reasons why I have bought the Nikon d200: Gallery1 and Gallery2.
My own unforgettable pics: Artistic and Australia.
Bon conseil pour le job d’étudiant mais je suggère une autre idée: avoir un mari RICHE!^^
http://www.vandenborre.be/fr/appareil-photo-reflex/nikon-d5100-18-55vr-55-200vr voila celui que j’ai commandé 🙂 j’ai pas les sous pour acheter plus, et bien trop impatiente d’en avoir un! a qui la faute? au cousin avec un appareil au top qui a donné envie a tout le monde ^^
Quel pack prendre? le D5100 avec zoom 18-105 ou zoom 18-55 + 55-200?
J’aurais pris un zoom 18-105
oui, j’ai apres tout fini par changer d’avis.. le 18-105 VR selon d’autres avis semblait plus pratique ^^ merci