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In few words, I really do not know how to choose a very good camera for a given price. Usually, I just picked the most expensive one, the most popular with tons of links and sample of pictures on the web. Usually when ten people write lengthy guides/reviews about a camera, it cannot suck!
I have noticed few characteristics that are important:
1. the effective resolution in pixels: the higher the better (> 10 k = kick ass!)
2. the fps (frame per second): faster is better, it allows you to take pics with fast motions.
3. The ISO: larger is better, broad range is good for any type of light!
4. The sensor: the more options it has the better, meaning you have less work to do (ex: Scene Recognition System, Auto-focus tracking by color, Auto-focus calibration, Multi-CAM3500FX Auto Focus sensor –51-point, 15 cross-type, more vertical coverage, etc…)
et ça, c’est pas bien ?…×258/BB6_APN.png/image_w705_h258
ce n’est pas un appareil photo de type reflex.
Ca va bien je pense comme gadget mais si tu veux faire des photos de bonnes qualites mais sans trop t’encombrer. Mais ce n’est pas ce type d’appareil si jamais tu voulais faire des photos haute definition en tant que photographe amateur.