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Shocking News!
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Out of the blue, my “local” boss announced her departure at the end of August. I am starting to have the feeling that all is going well and I was so shocked. It takes time to learn to work with a person and after 4 months, things are going better at work and now I have to get used to a new person or someone I do not like.I even learned to like my boss :). I have several bosses in fact and even though it won’t affect much my everyday work, it is still sad. It is always good to have a smooth relation with your bosses.
One good thing is, the other bosses already adjusted their habits and now they forward straight to me the work instead of going through my departing boss.
Life is so unpredictable. I need to get used to these events. In the private sector, these events are quite common and they are very brutal unlike the public sector where things are slower