From here now?

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I am getting in some sort of a routine and I do not know if I like this. I go to work, get home and play WoW. I do not go out much and do not check around even though I am surrounded by mountains. I haven’t found the courage to do so. Maybe I […]

2 months and 2 weeks have passed! I am determined to learn everything about this new job and I want to be able to do everything myself when I leave this position. This is my very first tutorial with Adobe Illustrator. Even though I am a technical writer lots of my work require images’ manipulation […]

I went for a hike this morning. Very steep hill all the way up! One needs training and a strong heart to sustain the hike at a decent speed. I also took some nice pictures on the way. Don’t be fooled by the nice view, the city is quite small and ugly. Everything looks pretty […]

Who knows! I might have to post using my iphone someday!

Weeks and months passed by and I did not realise it.  My weekends are very precious and they always seem too  short. I’ve got my own new flat screen at work and it is quite pleasant, I am still waiting on the laptop that has been ordered 2 months ago. The weather is getting nicer now […]