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The joy of moving to a new studio!
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Monday 14/03: The internet technician came early to setup my internet connection.
Tuesday 15/03:
I moved into my new studio. It was a big day!
My credit card didn’t work and I had to give an ID card and signed some papers to allow the hotel to withdraw from my credit account, quite unexpected and embarrassing! I’ve spent too much and reached my limits. The electrician came and fired it up for me and there was the light in this dark and cold place! Then came the guy who was doing the formal checkup of the place in case i burn it down to ashes. Then came the TV. Joy oh Joy! my big fancy toy.
I slept on the floor and I forgot to buy a blanket. So I slept with all my clothes all over me. It was cold!
Internet is down for some reason but I can connect to a Freebox and use Wifi through their system. A bit slow but better than nothing.
Wednesday 16/03
I bought few more stuffs for the empty studio.