In 25 min, I am taking the train to go back to Paris to have a one-day training tomorrow. Then weekend at my parents’ and back to Grenoble on Sunday.  It’ll be  cool!


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Internet went down yesterday just before I went to bed at midnight. I thought I had more trouble again. Luckily it went back this morning. Pfew!  Panic time!

I managed to get the key to the trash room! Weeee! My last annoying business is the screws for my bed. Now on the positive side: ANPE, one of the french social system, will give me about 1100 euros to help me moving from Paris to Grenoble. CAF, another french social system, continues to help […]

That was a nice weekend relaxing and calm with good food besides. I didn’t have to run around shopping, buying heavy stuffs and build them afterward. I ate on time and I even had time to row a bit. It was like a bubble of oxygen after a hard month in Grenoble. Also my studio […]


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I am back to my parents’ place this weekend and also next weekend because I have a one day training next Friday 01/04. I just wanted to come back and relax a bit and finish some paperworks to get reimbursed.  It feels good to change my routine to something more pleasant and of course to […]


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Call it Karma, Curse or whatever but I am fiercely affected by a serie of unfortunate events. I was supposed to get the mail and the trash box keys. There was some delays caused by something that made me arrive 15 min later and they closed 15 min earlier! Then the electrical fuse that is […]

It is no good for my body! It immediately reacted badly to the events from the last three weeks. I need to calm down and get back to a routine or I will be in bad shape. I’ve lost few pounds and my back is full of zits. I hate that! My body is so […]

Since my arrival to Grenoble, there is always a minor but annoying event that followed me in everything I did. here is my list of these sad little events: 1. My eye was irritated 2. The temporary computer I received died after  my 2nd day 3. I forgot to ask my dad to sign the […]

Yippie! Now I need to resume a normal life and find time to take care of myself. It has been 3 weeks of stress and unstability.

Monday 14/03: The internet technician came early to setup my internet connection. Tuesday 15/03: I moved into my new studio. It was a big day! My credit card didn’t work and I had to give an ID card and signed some papers to allow the hotel to withdraw from my credit account, quite unexpected and […]

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