That was how I was during the weekend. I played WoW with my brother so intensively that I even forgot yesterday night that it was already Sunday until I saw on my clock alarm that it was Monday passd midnight. I thought the clock was broken…Time flew so fast when you play games. World of […]

Perfect Exam!

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I got exactly the two questions I predicted and I answered fully to both! GREAT. It was hot, I really did not spend much time learning and I could not reproduce exactly what I learnt but I bet it is good enough for an easy pass! I am so happy and relieved now. I will […]

After the exam on Tuesday, it was too hard to concentrate again and my brain was oversaturated with the things I learned by heart before. Today it will require lots of will to finish up these 6 pages. Excellent swim with not too many people. I was very fast at the beginning and could not […]

The exam questions surprised everybody and everyone had to improvise consequently. We were used to clear and predictable questions from this teacher who taught 3 modules over the year. He used to be straightforward in his exam questions. This time it was tricky and I hope that what I did was not too bad. It […]

It’s today at 2 pm and I still have 5 hours to brush up on the exam. I have finished learning by heart my answers yesterday, so I am just reciting today to make sure nothing is being left out. Memory is a tricky thing especially under stress conditions. I noticed I never really wrote […]

Today is Spring holiday. The town seems dead as usual. I took the trash down and there is a huge amount of trash being accumulated. For some reasons they have divided the number of bins. Also, I went to print some papers at the cluster room and it looked like a battlefield. Students are really […]

Almost a week time to transfer all the contents/images/archives from Eno’s to Eric’s site: or the direct link

WoW Addiction

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Believe me it’s a true addiction once you played it and passed level 10. Terrible! So my priest character is up to level 23 now and I am stuck with my brother at the dungoen. Without the help of at least 2 more or with a higher level, we will not pass this one. The […]

It is so hard to concentrate. I wish I could foresee the future, I would not want to work more than what is required. I am currently working on past year exams and I noticed a lot of them are not similar. These minor modules vary depending on the teacher each year unlike the first […]

Until Next Tuesday, the pool is closed due to paralympic games here at Manchester. It will give me more time to brush up on my exams and of course to play World of Warcraft. I will buy my food at the canteen from now on so that I do not waste time preparing dinner. Also […]

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